
Nesting dialogs in CKEditor

The task of upgrading the Google Maps plugin from FCKeditor to CKEditor is getting closer to the end, and in this post I'll show a few screenshots about doing little crazy things in CKEditor (ok, I have done this kind of crazy things previously).

First, let's start with an almost normal CKEditor instance, the only difference is the last button that lanches the new plugin


This dialog has four tabs and below them a Google Maps instance. Showing there an instance that was visible in any tab was one of the first problems that I needed to workaround.


As there was no previous map, it defaults to the third tab in order to ease the task of doing a search of our desired location. Now I'm not searching for anything special, so let's see the fourth tab. There it's possible to add markers, texts and in the future lines and areas as well as KML files. So let's add a marker by clicking the tool and then a point in the map


 After clicking the map, a new dialog is shown to edit the properties of the marker, the tooltip that will be shown, the width of the info window and its contents (at the moment it's still missing the button to change the icon color)

Look carefully, yes, it's a CKEditor instance nested in the dialog, so it's possible to write some nice formatted text, and a picture or a link. Of course, that means nesting another dialog!

 From bottom to top: Main CKEditor instance, Google Maps dialog, Marker dialog (with another CKEditor instance), and Link dialog.

After closing the link and marker dialogs we can get back to the edited map and test the marker in the first tab (ok, all the code still isn't hooked up, but you get the idea):

The nested CKEditor instance seems to work nicely without any need to do any strange workaround, but I still have to test it thoroughly because the problems might arise only under certain conditions. Anyway I'm happy with that part.



Updated UA of Froyo FRF72

The User Agent in the new leaked FRF72 build is

Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; U; Android 2.2; es-es; Nexus One Build/FRF72) AppleWebKit/533.1 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Mobile Safari/533.1

Compared to the previous one, the only change is the build identifier. No change to the WebKit version.

Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; U; Android 2.2; es-es; Nexus One Build/FRF50) AppleWebKit/533.1 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Mobile Safari/533.1



Send To Phone is now approved

Today the Send To Phone extension has been approved so installing it should be a little easier and less "frightening", but most important, now it's part of the auto-update so everyone should get the latest version soon.

Well, maybe not everybody because looking at the stats it says that one user has tried to install it in Thunderbird, and someone else is running Firefox 2.0, so I guess that he might have disabled automatic updates (but then why does he wants an extension that requires you to be on the bleeding edge using a pre-release OS in your phone?)

Since the initial release the extension has got some little adjustments:

  • First the localizations, now they are partly done so if you have an update for your language send it to us.
  • Then the context menu was improved to allow better control over sending links or images.
  • After that a little adjustment to try to send the current view while navigating the maps instead of just the Google Maps url
  • And the last one before approval was a context menu on the toolbar to allow to logout (it just clears the cookie), so you can switch accounts.

Lots of people are downloading the extension and they are happy about it. It's not a revolution about how to use your mobile, but I've found it useful to quickly send to the phone a url or video that I wanted to watch as I move away from the computer.

The next things that might get added is support for more apps (Seamonkey, Thunderbird) and a more controlled login experience (use our own dialog instead of showing the default login in a new tab). Drop here a note if you have a nice idea, but remember that this is only the part for your browser, the Android App is the one provided by Chrome to Phone project.