
Write Area 0.8.0 released

If you have installed WriteArea then soon you'll get the updated version.

It finally adds tooltips for the toolbar buttons, and two new buttons besides the "save" button.

The first one allows to save the current content to a file in your computer, great if you want to keep drafts of any kind of templates around. The second button is obviously the one to load those files, the icons might not fit exactly with the rest but I'm not a designer and I always rather focus on the most important things.

Now that CKEditor 3 is getting closer everyday I don't know if next update will be based still on the 2.6 line of FCKeditor, or if it will start using that fresh new code. Some of the advantages of the new code doesn't apply the same way inside chrome than it does in a website, but on the other side it might open new opportunities, they might need some time to check and test the ideas so such future update might get delayed quite a while.

There are other ideas for the current code, but they also take time, I wish that there would be a way to code everything that goes through my mind.